Our Expertise

Providing our services worldwide


We offer pricing expertise across all industry segments, including Personal Lines, Small & Medium Enterprises (SME), Lloyd’s & London Market, and Reinsurance.


We offer Technical Provision Calculations and can provide an assessment of the adequacy of technical provisions...


We can validate Capital Models, perform standard formula SCR calculations, advise on the Internal Model approval process, and build both capital and partial internal models.

Reporting and Regulatory

We are equipped to assist with Solvency II and IFRS reporting requirements. Additionally, we provide support in preparing Actuarial Function Reports as well as

Wider Actuarial work

We also perform broader actuarial tasks, such as using machine learning for insurance issues, providing opinions on Reinsurance Optimisation

Our Contact information

Please feel free to reach us on the email enquiry@quantisanalytica.co.uk Alternatively, you can fill out the form below